Thursday, June 2, 2016

2016 season begins! 1st pick-up on 5/31

The 2016 season begins with our first basket pick-ups on 5/31 and 6/3.

Well, to be honest... the season began for us back in February, when we started all of our onion, leek, shallot and parsley seeds inside of our house, in a sunny window. The mild winter allowed us to be working outdoors a few weeks earlier than we usually do, so we were able to do a lot of orchard work and beautification projects on the farm. Mid-March started the vegetable planting, with peas in the ground and kale, chard, spinach, lettuce transplanted.

Now, with our house cleared of soil, grow lights and seedlings; and with all of our 130 beds planted; and our greenhouse now just full of extra tomato, eggplant, pepper and cucumber starts, we are ready to begin our CSA distribution!

Remember, spring starts lean and green. But we'll soon boom into heavier and heartier baskets.

Storing greens so they maintain their freshness can sometimes be tricky... please take a look at this link with tips on storing vegetables.

You can expect the following in this week's share:
Lettuce, kale or chard, braising mix or arugula, chives, green onions/scallions, radishes.

A note: Those purple chive flowers are edible! Sprinkle them in your salads or soups.

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