Bed#2: Chives, Argentinian leeks (transplanted in to replace the spring onions that for whatever reason didn't survive) and parsley (from Argentinian seed).
Bed #3: Potatoes, should be ready to harvest some "new" ones soon and leave the rest in the ground for main crop. When we took a peek at a plant the other day, there were only a few wee taters... not sure if it's the soil or the seed.
Bed #4: Two rows of celery and celeriac. Intercropped with lettuce in between, which is ready to eat any day. Once the lettuce is harvested we'll "hill up" the celery family so they stay blanched.
Bed #5: Brassicas: Red cabbage, Tatsoi cabbage and DiCiccio broccoli. Intercropped with leeks.
Bed #6: Transplanted about 200 basil plants and direct-sowed cilantro, chervil and borage seed. Under plastic still to protect the basil.
Bed #7: Our tomato holding bed, rich with compost and kept warm with a plastic row cover. Now contains over 350 tomato seedlings. The heirloom Brandywines and Cherokee purples will stay there, and once beds 18-20 are prepped, we'll transplant out six other varieties, including Amarillo grande and Cherry amarillo from Argentina, Fargo pear tomato, Peacevine cherry, yellow short, and Bellstar paste.
Bed #8: Half acelga (Swiss chard) and half kale (both from Argentinian seed).
Bed #9: Spinach (Tyee and Bloomsdale) and lettuce (Ithaca and Blackseed). Both fully alive but not growing much (until I add the manure tea).
Bed #10: Direct seeded arugula (some seed from Argentina, the rest is Rocket), transplanted Yellow Cortland and Redwing onion and Spring rabe. The arugula needs to be thinned or we'll be eating the tiniest
Bed #11: Humberto's bed: contains tomato, lettuce, radish, cucumber, broccoli, leek, jalapeno peppers.
Bed #12: 1/3 Early wonder beets, 1/3 carrots (Scarlet and Tonda), 1/3 parsnip. Transplanted some leeks with the carrots because they are good companion plants. Beets need thinning.
Bed #13: 1/3 Haricot verts, 1/3 Provider bush beans, 1/3 Jacob's cattle drying beans. Radish are intercropped on half the bed.
Bed #14: Direct seeded mixed greens: endive frisee, chickory, garden cress, bibb lettuce, Parriss cos lettuce.
Bed #15: Transplanted more brassicas: Chinese cabbage, Tatsoi cabbage and collards.
Bed #16: Skimmed and in need of double-digging! Future site for cucumbers, gherkin cucumbers and zucchini.
In our herb garden: transplanted tarragon and oregano, planted some sage cuttings, seeded melissa, dill and shiso. Wild mint is growing near the cow barn. Rosemary is still too small to put outdoors.Thyme and lavender are in seed boxes.
In our perennial plots: 10 artichoke bushes, 5 horseradish roots, 3 rhubarb crowns.
Still waiting to be transplanted out: lots of kale, lots of cabbage, some broccoli and collards, cauliflower (which may never go out unless they form their "bud"), more celeriac, tons more leeks, asparagus (from seed!), more oregano. Fava beans also on deck.
Still to be planted for the fall crop: Brussels sprouts, baby bok choy, garlic, more spinach, kale and cabbage.
What we're missing for Longhaul's first year: hot peppers, fennel, rutabaga, bell peppers, eggplant, melons, kohlrabi and corn (from most-to-be-missed to least-to-be-missed, in our opinion).
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